My Story

I was born and raised in Baltimore and love my city’s rich culture, including its restaurants and especially its bakeries. Inspired by my favorite local spots, I began baking to see for myself just how the magic happens. Soon my family was overrun with desserts, so I started giving the overflow to our neighbors - sharing my creations at barbecues, block parties, and other get togethers.

At first, these were just fun projects, but soon baking became part of my identity and one of my favorite ways to relax. Also, I was getting pretty good at it! According to neighbors, my creations were as good as anything they’d buy. That one got me thinking…what if my baking could help support my dreams?

About those dreams, I’m a vocal student at Baltimore School for the Arts, and I want to move to New York to pursue a career in music when I graduate. I plan to use the proceeds from my home bakery to support myself in NYC.  When this idea came to me it felt meant to be - combining the things I care about most. I want to explore creative flavor combinations and collaborate with my customers. 

Now about the name. My sister has been by my side throughout all of my baking experiments as a primary tester, constructive critic, and best friend. Naming the bakery “Peach and Plum” (after our childhood nicknames) seemed like a perfect fit.

The O.G. Peach and Plum

The O.G. Peach and Plum

Say goodbye to the boring old plain vanilla cupcake.

My goal is to explore new and fresh flavors, and bring them to you. Using herbs from my garden and seasonal ingredients, Peach and Plum will bring an exciting new twist to your favorite classic recipes.
